Después de mucho tiempo de recibir sugerencias de mis amigos modelistas hispanohablantes de publicar artículos de modelismo en la hermosa lengua de Cervantes he decidido rescatar un poco de tiempo entre mis actividades para publicar una serie de artículos de forma bilingüe que tratarán tanto las últimas maquetas que van saliendo al mercado como las que pueden realizarse con los productos que diseño para la marca FCModeltips. Espero que os guste.
martes, 30 de abril de 2019
descargas downloads,
Maqueta Model
lunes, 14 de enero de 2019
FCModeltips novedades Enero 2019
Mientras espero a que Microscale me imprima las nuevas calcas y otras que se han agotado en la tienda sigo diseñando piezas en 3d. Mi objetivo para este año es aprender a modelar figuras para poder hacer tripulaciones de diferentes épocas y nacionalidades, comenzar cuanto antes a diseñar el carro Trubia que me gustaría ofertar tanto a escala 1/35 como 1/48 y terminar el libro FCModeltips 3 que tengo ya a medio hacer.
Aquí os dejo las últimas piezas que he diseñado y que como siempre podéis adquirir en la tienda o a través de los diversos distribuidores.
While I wait for Microscale to print the new decals and some that are out of stock I keep designing 3d accessories. My goals for this year are learning how to design figures to make different countries and eras AFV crew, start ASAP designing the Trubia tank that I would like to offer in both 1/35 and 1/48 scales and finish the FCModeltips 3 book that is already halfway.
Here are some of the latest 3d accessories I have designed, you can find them as always at or through diverse distributors.
Aquí os dejo las últimas piezas que he diseñado y que como siempre podéis adquirir en la tienda o a través de los diversos distribuidores.
While I wait for Microscale to print the new decals and some that are out of stock I keep designing 3d accessories. My goals for this year are learning how to design figures to make different countries and eras AFV crew, start ASAP designing the Trubia tank that I would like to offer in both 1/35 and 1/48 scales and finish the FCModeltips 3 book that is already halfway.
Here are some of the latest 3d accessories I have designed, you can find them as always at or through diverse distributors.
viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018
UNL-35, 3d, 1/35
El UNL-35 fue el mejor vehículo blindado de la guerra civil
española. Diseñado a partir del BA-20 por un equipo liderado por el ingeniero
soviético Nicolai Alimov en los talleres de la empresa valenciana Union naval
de Levante (UNL). Para las primeras series del vehículo se utilizó el chasis
del camión soviético ZIS-5 al que redujeron la distancia entre ejes a 2,54m.
Para el bastidor se
utilizaron planchas de acero de 8mm de espesor soldándolas entre sí y
remachándolas a una estructura interior que se fijaba al chasis.
La producción del
UNL-35 comenzó en Valencia a principios de 1937 con un ritmo de 5 vehículos al
mes. Un año y medio más tarde la producción se traslado a los pueblos
alicantinos de Elda y Petrel donde continuó hasta el final de la contienda.
Los UNL-35 fueron
ampliamente utilizados por el bando republicano y también por el nacional que
capturó suficientes como para encuadrarlos en sus unidades de carros de
combate. Una vez finalizada la guerra los UNL-35 supervivientes permanecieron
en servicio hasta bien entrada la década de los 50.
Algunos vehículos
cruzaron la frontera con Francia durante la huída de los republicanos al final
de la guerra y fueron entregados al gobierno francés junto con todas las armas
que llevaban con ellos como parte del acuerdo previo. Estos blindados pudieron
tomar parte mas tarde en los primeros enfrentamientos con el ejército alemán en
El UNL-35 fue
producido en ocho series diferentes de los cuales las primeras 4 utilizaron el
chasis del camión ZIS-5 y luego el GAZ-AAA, un Chevrolet y un vehículo
británico no identificado que tenía el puesto de conducción a la derecha. Todas
las series presentaban pequeñas diferencias en el diseño.
Esta maqueta
representa un UNL-35 de la cuarta serie basado en el camión ZIS-5
The UNL-35
was the best armoured Vehicle of the Spanish civil war. It was designed based
on the BA-20 armoured car by a team led by the Soviet engineer Nicolai Alimov
at the Valencian facilities of the Union naval de Levante (UNL). The first
series of the vehicle used the Soviet ZIS-5 truck as a base to which they shortened
the distance between axes to 2,54m.
The body was made of 8mm thick armoured steel
plates that were welded together and bolted to an inner structure fixed to the vehicle
Production of the UNL-35 started in Valencia in early 1937 with 5 vehicles per month
delivered until spring 1938 when the production was relocated in the Alicante towns of Elda
and Peter in which they kept producing them until the end of the war.
The UNL-35 was widely used by both the
republican forces and nationalists too who captured enough to group them within
their tanks units. Once the war was over the UNL-35 was kept in service until
mid 50s.
Some vehicles crossed the frontier with France during
the republican gateway in 1939 and were surrendered to the French government along
with all the weapons carried with them as part of a previous pact to enter the
country. These vehicles could have been later used in 1940 by the French forces
to face the invading German army in WWII.
The UNL-35 was produced along 8 different
series; the first four used the ZIS-5 chassis as a base and the rest used the
GAZ-AAA, a Chevrolet and an unknown British vehicle with the driving station to
the right. All the series had subtle variations between them that made them
This kit represents a vehicle of the fourth
series based on the ZIS-5 truck.
Por fin, tras muchos meses de pruebas y tras superar todos los obstáculos posibles, hemos podido lanzar al mercado la primera maqueta impresa en 3d de España. Al menos casi toda ya que tras sopesarlas diferentes opciones decidimos que las ruedas serían las comercializadas por Miniart en plástico ya que su excelente calidad así como su precio redundarían en el de la propia maqueta haciéndola un poco mas accesible.
Como muchos de vosotros ya sabéis, las impresiones en 3d son aún una tecnología que está dando sus primeros pasos, con muchas opciones de materiales diferentes, muchos tipos de impresión y muchas variaciones en la calidad, según las máquinas y materiales que se utilicen. En nuestro hobby, la mejor opción es el de la resina fotosensible impresa por el proceso de estereolitografía, que si bien no es la opción más económica, es la que mejor calidad ofrece a la hora de reproducir detalles.
El proyecto de lanzar una maqueta impresa en 3d comenzó en Enero de 2017, hace ya casi un año, cuando el catálogo de FCModeltips de piezas impresas en 3d empezaba a crecer y los productos eran muy bien acogidos por los modelistas, tanto dentro como fuera de España. En ese momento me sentí lo suficientemente confiado como para pensar que podría realizar una maqueta completa y ofrecerla a un precio mas o menos asequible así que me puse manos a la obra y tras decidir qué vehículo quería ofrecer preparé un plan de trabajo.
El primer paso fue averiguar si alguien ya había diseñado el UNL-35 en 3d para ahorrar trabajo. Encontré el trabajo de un gran diseñador español que compré sin dudarlo, sin embargo ese fue el primer escollo ya que el diseño no estaba pensado para ser impreso y además estaba basado en unos planos incorrectos por lo que tras varias semanas de investigación y muchas correcciones decidí que lo mejor sería comenzar el diseño desde cero con la idea de la impresión siempre presente.
Tras unos meses creando piezas y probando ajustes envié el primer borrador a imprimir para ver el resultado, mientras tanto llegué a un acuerdo con la firma Miniart para utilizar sus ruedas del camión soviético ZIS-5 en el cual está basado el UNL-35 de la cuarta serie que fue el que decidí recrear.
Los ajustes y pruebas de impresión siguieron sucediéndose durante meses hasta que por fin en Septiembre el diseño quedó ajustado y pude mandar el archivo definitivo a imprimir en serie.
Las primeras piezas 3d son impresas en Noviembre y la maqueta está lista en los primeros días de Diciembre.
Un detalle que me gustaría enfatizar es que excepto las ruedas, el resto del proyecto ha sido realizado e impreso en España dándole al conjunto una connotación aún mas autóctona si cabe.
Esperamos que la maqueta os guste, podéis verla y adquirirla en
jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2018
FCModeltips new accessories
Hello everybody
These are the new accessories designed to be 3d printed.
A finely detailed MG-34 is always useful for German AFV, scenes and figures.
The Tamiya M113 kits are old enough to need some fine details to make them look more accurate.
The old Italeri M108 is not up to modern kits anymore, better use the mre modern AFV M109 kit as a base for a highly detailed M108.
The Argentinian Sherman repotenciado has always been a "must do someday" project for me, I designed these parts to finally make use of the Dragon and Asuka Firefly kits to build it.
The DH 132 tank crew helmet has been in use in many occident army for a long time.
This flakaufsatzrahmen is made of both 3d printed and cast resin parts taht can be built in a couple of minutes. The separate parts make it adequate for any Flak kit available 1/35 scale.
The Old Tamiya Horch is inaccurate and has many simplified and overscaled parts. these 3d printed parts will upgrade it easily ans most of them just replace the plastic ones.
The Spanish built ALFA 55 machine gun was based on the previous ALFA 44 model and was used until the 70s decade.
The M72 LAW rocket launcher provided the U.S. infantry with a capable anti tank weapon for a long time. Since it was released in 1963 has been used in mostly every modern war as late as the Irak and Afghanistan conflicts. This set includes one closed and another extended M72.
The "naranjero" was a Spanish built version of the German MP28 and was widely used by the republican forces during the Spanish civil war.
The FAO machine gun was a Spanish licensed built version of the Czech ZB vz.26 and was widely used during the Sidi-Sahara conflict in 1957/58.
The early Willys models used this thin slats grille similar to the Bantam model. This is a single 3d printed part that can be used to replace the one provided in the Tamiya 1/35 scale kit.
Who doesn't like the Gatling guns? This version built by the Colt company in 1864 is made of just 5 3d printed parts that can be built in a moment.
This is a selection of modern automatic pistols from many countries that are 3d printed with maximum quality.
Even the new Tamiya kits lack of theirt typical oversized and simplified parts. This 3d printed parts set includes some replacements that are ready to use.
Some M551 Sheridan tanks deployed in Vietnam were provided with twin machine gun mounts taken from military boats, helicopters, etc. These 3d printed set includes both M2 and M1919 twin mounts.
This set of 3d printed parts will allow you to transform the Tamiya and AFV M5 kits into a T8 recce vehile.
And this one provides the parts for transforming the Tamiya and AFV M5 kits into an M5 Command. Just change the turret for the 3d printed parts.
The UIQ-1 loudspeaker was often seen on the last days of the WWII when the U.S. troops made use of their propaganda platoons.
This simple kit includes the parts to convert the bronco and Tamiya Archer kit into one of the used by Egypt and later Israel providing them with some add on protection.
Lots of modern AFV are equipped with the ubiquitous MG-3 machine gun, unfortunately not all kits are the same quality but you can have these 3d printed ones both with and without butt to substitute the plastic ones.
The new Dragon IDF jeep is not as complete as we would like so here is an easy adapting set of 3d printed parts to make your own with any bran jeep Willys 1/35 scale.
The M2 browning is used on exercises with a blank fire adaptor. This set includes one complete M2 with the adaptor and two separate barrels to use with other M2s.
Some pieces are too delicate to reproduce in plastic but 3d printing can go one step further. This British antenna guards will be very useful for WWII AFV.
The Spanish FV101 Scorpion used a different track with chevron shoe. Here is a new system to provide the tracks. A full lenght that can be clicked to separate the links so you can have them one by one and by lenghts.
Second set designed to be used with the AFV kit to build the Spanish version of the FV101Scorpion.
Unlike the Bronco kit of the Archer SPG, the Tamiya one doesn't include the side fenders so here are designed and 3d printed in sections as the real ones.
All modellers like adding special details to their afv models, here are some Soviet WWII tank crey helmets that you can put anywhere you like.
Civilian figures are always welcome in scenes. These two kids wearing toy masks will add a natural element to any modern scene.
These are the new accessories designed to be 3d printed.
A finely detailed MG-34 is always useful for German AFV, scenes and figures.
The Tamiya M113 kits are old enough to need some fine details to make them look more accurate.
The old Italeri M108 is not up to modern kits anymore, better use the mre modern AFV M109 kit as a base for a highly detailed M108.
The Argentinian Sherman repotenciado has always been a "must do someday" project for me, I designed these parts to finally make use of the Dragon and Asuka Firefly kits to build it.
The DH 132 tank crew helmet has been in use in many occident army for a long time.
This flakaufsatzrahmen is made of both 3d printed and cast resin parts taht can be built in a couple of minutes. The separate parts make it adequate for any Flak kit available 1/35 scale.
The Old Tamiya Horch is inaccurate and has many simplified and overscaled parts. these 3d printed parts will upgrade it easily ans most of them just replace the plastic ones.
The Spanish built ALFA 55 machine gun was based on the previous ALFA 44 model and was used until the 70s decade.
The M72 LAW rocket launcher provided the U.S. infantry with a capable anti tank weapon for a long time. Since it was released in 1963 has been used in mostly every modern war as late as the Irak and Afghanistan conflicts. This set includes one closed and another extended M72.
The "naranjero" was a Spanish built version of the German MP28 and was widely used by the republican forces during the Spanish civil war.
The FAO machine gun was a Spanish licensed built version of the Czech ZB vz.26 and was widely used during the Sidi-Sahara conflict in 1957/58.
The early Willys models used this thin slats grille similar to the Bantam model. This is a single 3d printed part that can be used to replace the one provided in the Tamiya 1/35 scale kit.
Who doesn't like the Gatling guns? This version built by the Colt company in 1864 is made of just 5 3d printed parts that can be built in a moment.
This is a selection of modern automatic pistols from many countries that are 3d printed with maximum quality.
Even the new Tamiya kits lack of theirt typical oversized and simplified parts. This 3d printed parts set includes some replacements that are ready to use.
Some M551 Sheridan tanks deployed in Vietnam were provided with twin machine gun mounts taken from military boats, helicopters, etc. These 3d printed set includes both M2 and M1919 twin mounts.
This set of 3d printed parts will allow you to transform the Tamiya and AFV M5 kits into a T8 recce vehile.
And this one provides the parts for transforming the Tamiya and AFV M5 kits into an M5 Command. Just change the turret for the 3d printed parts.
The UIQ-1 loudspeaker was often seen on the last days of the WWII when the U.S. troops made use of their propaganda platoons.
This simple kit includes the parts to convert the bronco and Tamiya Archer kit into one of the used by Egypt and later Israel providing them with some add on protection.
Lots of modern AFV are equipped with the ubiquitous MG-3 machine gun, unfortunately not all kits are the same quality but you can have these 3d printed ones both with and without butt to substitute the plastic ones.
The new Dragon IDF jeep is not as complete as we would like so here is an easy adapting set of 3d printed parts to make your own with any bran jeep Willys 1/35 scale.
The M2 browning is used on exercises with a blank fire adaptor. This set includes one complete M2 with the adaptor and two separate barrels to use with other M2s.
Some pieces are too delicate to reproduce in plastic but 3d printing can go one step further. This British antenna guards will be very useful for WWII AFV.
The Spanish FV101 Scorpion used a different track with chevron shoe. Here is a new system to provide the tracks. A full lenght that can be clicked to separate the links so you can have them one by one and by lenghts.
Second set designed to be used with the AFV kit to build the Spanish version of the FV101Scorpion.
Unlike the Bronco kit of the Archer SPG, the Tamiya one doesn't include the side fenders so here are designed and 3d printed in sections as the real ones.
All modellers like adding special details to their afv models, here are some Soviet WWII tank crey helmets that you can put anywhere you like.
Civilian figures are always welcome in scenes. These two kids wearing toy masks will add a natural element to any modern scene.
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