Let me introduce you to the new military modelling magazine; Blitzscale.
A project born between modellers who like to explore and look forward new styles in this hobby.
While most of the availabe modelling magazines tend to show great models made by very well known modellers, this new magazine is a bit different; Blitzscale focuses in helping modellers with all kind of tips, gifts, etc. Every issue will be conceived this way, not only a showroom but a magazine you will read and use at your work space.
The main articles in Blitzscale will show and explain step by step, all kind of building, painting, photographing, etc techniques and tips so you will see something really useful in every issue.
Blitzscale will also include at least two gifts that you can print and use with your models; decorated bases, historic scaled posters and signs, dioramas accesories, moulds, etc. each one of them priced 3 euros so you get really valuable resources for your models.
Blitzscale will be released as a digital magazine and it will have a printed version in the future,
The magazine is available at www.fcmodeltrend.com
Hola Federico, tienes previsto publicarlo en castellano?
Hola Federico, tienes previsto publicarlo en castellano?
Hola, de momento solo saldrá en inglés. Ya veremos mas adelante.